Sunday, August 25, 2013

On Misplaced Modifiers

By now, you may have heard that former MLB slugger Jack Clark has accused Albert Pujols (along with Tigers ace Justin Verlander and retired outfielder Shawn Green) of using performance-enhancing drugs. Essentially, Clark claimed on WGNU 920 AM in St. Louis that Chris Mihlfeld, an athletic trainer who worked with Pujols early in his pro career, told him about Pujols' PED use when both Clark and Mihlfeld were working for the Dodgers a decade ago.

Pujols, of course, has denied the accusations and says he's initiating legal action against Clark. Mihlfeld likewise claims that he never told Clark any such thing and would “bet [his] life” that Pujols never used performance-enhancing drugs. Finally, insideSTL Enterprises, the company that employed Clark for WGNU, has asked Clark and co-host Kevin Slaten not to return to work.

I'm not here to offer commentary on the story itself, as fascinating as it is. Rather, I'm interested in the wording of insideSTL's statement.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

On Starting a Blog

Why start a blog? The simple answer is that I love to write, probably too much for my own good, and I find myself coming up with things to write about almost constantly. I have plenty to say, and some people have even mentioned that they might be interested in things I have to say.

Hey, I may as well put things in a place where people will read them.

So, what can you expect? Most of my thoughts fall into three broad categories:
  • Writing. It's only natural, after all, that someone who loves to write might love to write about writing. At times, I may have things to say about writing techniques; at other times, I may have commentary on the joys and challenges of being a writer. You'll find those thoughts right here.
  • Sports. When I say "sports," I mostly mean 'baseball,' though it's at least theoretically possible that I'll branch out and write about something else sooner or later. Expect to hear a bit about the Red Sox and much more about the random musings of my amateur statistician/historian's mind over at my baseball blog, 90 Percent Mental.
  • Theology: The Bible, explained! There's a lot of wisdom to be had there, and while I'm not quite an expert, I'm happy to share whatever insight I can muster at In Step.
From time to time, I may write about something else that's important to me: marriage, say, or fatherhood. Or possibly food. We'll see.

In the meantime, happy reading!